Recipe: Easy Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream

Its summer time and who doesn’t enjoy ice cream, especially at this time of year. Here’s a great recipe that doesn’t even require an ice cream maker courtesy of Real Simple magazine.
ice cream
Hands-On Time
15 minutes
Total Time
2 hours and 15 minutes
1 3.5-ounce chocolate bar
1 can sweetened condensed milk
2 cups heavy cream
1. Break the chocolate bar into chunks and place in a microwave-safe glass bowl. Microwave the chocolate, stopping and stirring every 30 seconds, until melted and smooth. Stir condensed milk into the chocolate. Set aside.
2. Place the heavy cream in a large bowl and use an electric hand mixer to whip it until stiff peaks form. Fold the whipped cream into the chocolate mixture until completely incorporated. Scrape mixture into an airtight container and cover. Freeze for at least 2 hours before serving.

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FACT FRIDAY: Why Do We Yawn?

The next time you are with a group of friends, try this little experiment: Take a big yawn and watch and see how many people follow suit. There’s a good chance you’ll set off a chain reaction of deep breaths and wide-open mouths.


Yawning is an involuntary action that causes us to open our mouths wide and breathe in deeply. We know it’s involuntary because we do it even before we’re born. Yawns typically last about six seconds and often occur in clusters. Researchers are starting to unravel the mystery surrounding the yawn. Yawning, they have discovered, is much more complicated than previously thought and although all yawns look the same, they appear to have many different causes and serve a variety of functions.

There are several theories about why we yawn. Here are the four most common:
The physiological theory: Our bodies induce yawning to draw in more oxygen or remove a buildup of carbon dioxide. This theory helps explain why we yawn in groups
The evolution theory: Some think that yawning began with our ancestors, who used yawning to show their teeth and intimidate others.

The boredom theory: Although we do tend to yawn when bored or tired, this theory doesn’t explain why Olympic athletes yawn right before they compete in their event or why dogs tend to yawn just before they attack.

The brain-cooling theory: A more recent theory proposed by researchers is that people yawn more in situations where their brains are likely to be warmer. Cool brains can think more clearly; hence, yawning might have developed to keep us alert.

But why does seeing someone else yawn might make us yawn too?
Interestingly, while all vertebrates (including fish) yawn – only humans, chimps and possibly dogs find yawns contagious. Recent studies show contagious yawning may be linked to one’s capacity for empathy. That is why humans don’t find them contagious until they’re about 4 years old; about the age when we develop a sense of empathy.

What we do know for sure is if you yawn at work or at a gathering, you’ll probably notice a few other people will start yawning, too. Even thinking about yawning can get you yawning. How many times have you yawned while reading this article? We hope not many.

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The Potential Dangers of Tattoos

Tattoos are more common than ever. It is now estimated that 21 percent of adults have tattoos, and approximately 36 percent of those ages 18-25 have them.  Before getting a tattoo, one must consider many things, including the health risks.

Using unsterilized or used needles and equipment can cause serious health problems, such as HIV and hepatitis. Even if everything is sterile however, there are still risks associated with getting a tattoo.

Tattoo sites can easily become infected when contaminated or expired ink is used and enters the bloodstream. The first signs of an infection usually take place two to three weeks later. Red rashes, swelling, pain, and a pus-like discharge are all common early symptoms of an infection. Pain, fever, chills, and sweats can develop if the infection is not treated. A doctor can prescribe antibiotics to treat an infection.

An allergic reaction to the dyes used in tattoo ink is another cause for concern, specifically the red, blue, yellow, and green dyes.  Some people are allergic, but don’t realize it until after they get a tattoo. An allergic reaction can result in an itchy rash or skin bumps at the tattoo site. Allergic reactions can occur immediately, or several months or years later.

Other potential problems associated with tattoos include keloid scarring and sensitivity to MRI exams.

If you do decide to get a tattoo, follow these simple steps to minimize the chances for complications.

• Go to a registered tattoo parlor with licensed tattoo artists.
• Inquire about the expiration date of the ink.
• Make sure inks being used are approved for tattoos.
• Carefully follow aftercare instructions.
• See a doctor immediately if you think you have an infection.

Deciding to get a tattoo is an important decision and should not be taken lightly. You should be informed to make the best decision and do what is safe and best for you.

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FACT FRIDAY: Do you know what day heart attacks are most common?

FACT FRIDAY:    Did you know that heart attacks are more common on Monday mornings?


Several long-term studies have shown that deaths from heart attacks are 20 percent higher on Mondays for adult men and 15 percent greater for adult women.

Though it would be easy to blame the stress of returning to work after two days of rest, when heart attack rates are lowest, researchers suggest that additional factors like heavier drinking and eating over the weekend, might be partly to blame.  However, other studies have found that the Monday heart attack risk for retirees is also the same despite not having to worry about work.

The best thing you can do is to take care of yourself all week long by maintaining a healthy diet and exercise program and getting regular check-ups from your doctor. If you’d like to schedule an appointment to speak with a cardiologist about your heart health, please contact the Flushing Hospital Medical Center’s Ambulatory Care Center at 718-670-5486.



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Leaves of Three, Let it be: How to Avoid & Treat Poison Ivy


Poison ivy is one of the most commonly found plants in North America. Contact with the plant oils, either directly or indirectly, can cause an itchy, blistering rash.  Watch out for plants that have three small leaflets on each leaf. This is usually a sign of poison ivy, poison sumac or poison oak. Poison ivy grows as a vine or a shrub, sprouting yellow-green flowers in the spring and green berries that turn off-white in early fall. Touching any part of the plant, including the roots, can cause an allergic reaction.

The best way to treat a poison ivy rash is to not get one in the first place. Make sure to wear long pants, long sleeves, boots, and gloves. Protect your skin by using an ivy block barrier lotion before going outdoors. Available over-the-counter, the lotion will help prevent the skin from absorbing the oil which causes the rash. Even with the ivy block, you still need to cover your skin. Touching anything that has the plant oil on it can cause an allergic reaction, including gardening tools, sporting equipment, shoes, and even a pet’s fur. Burning these plants releases the oil into the air and you can have an allergic reaction if airborne particles land on your skin.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, most people can safely treat the rash at home. If you’ve been exposed, immediately do the following:

. Rinse your skin with lukewarm, soapy water.

. Thoroughly wash all of the clothes you were wearing when you came into contact with the plant.

. Wash everything that may have the oil on its surface in warm, soapy water including gardening tools, golf clubs, leashes and even your pet.

. Leave blisters alone and don’t scratch to avoid an infection.

. Take short, lukewarm baths in a colloidal oatmeal to ease the itch, or apply cool compresses.

. Apply calamine lotion to skin that itches. Hydrocortisone cream or lotion may also help.

. Antihistamine pills can help reduce itching, ask your doctor or pharmacist which one is best for you.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, go to the emergency room right away:

. Trouble breathing or swallowing.

. The rash and blisters cover most of your body and nothing eases the itch.

. You experience swelling, especially if an eyelid swells shut.

. The rash develops anywhere on your face or genitals.

If your rash is not improving after seven to ten days, or you think your rash may be infected, see a board-certified dermatologist. A dermatologist can treat your rash and any infection and help relieve the itch.

All content of this newsletter is intended for general information purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a medical professional before adopting any of the suggestions on this page. You must never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment based upon any content of this newsletter. PROMPTLY CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN OR CALL 911 IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY.

What Does Gluten-Free Really Mean?


It seems everyone is talking about gluten these days, but what is gluten and should you be following a gluten-free diet?

Gluten is a protein found in wheat (including semolina and durum), barley, rye, triticale, spelt, farro, and kamut. People with Celiac disease, and some with non-Celiac gluten sensitivity, are allergic to gluten. A gluten-free diet helps control their symptoms which include inflammation in the small intestines.  Only a doctor can diagnose you with Celiac disease or non-Celiac gluten sensitivity, so make sure you have been correctly assessed before embarking on a gluten-free diet. If you’re not gluten intolerant, avoiding it will deprive you of necessary nutrients found in whole grains like fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals such as iron, folate, thiamine, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and vitamin B12.  Gluten-free products are often made with refined grains which are low in nutrients.

If your doctor confirms a gluten allergy, switching to a gluten-free diet is a big change so it’s a good idea to consult a dietician who can answer your questions and offer advice on how to maintain a healthy, balanced diet.  Be sure to mention other products you may be ingesting that could contain gluten like certain food additives such as malt flavoring and food starch, as well as any medications and vitamins that may use gluten as a binding agent.

All content of this newsletter is intended for general information purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a medical professional before adopting any of the suggestions on this page. You must never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment based upon any content of this newsletter. PROMPTLY CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN OR CALL 911 IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY.

Parents: How much bacteria is on your baby’s “binky”?

The pacifier is the saving grace for many new parents to soothe their crying baby. However, what parents may not know are the germs harbored on the pacifier could be causing more harm than good to their baby’s health. If you have noticed your child is more prone to being diagnosed with strep throat and ear infections, the pacifier maybe the culprit.

Germs are not just on the surface of the pacifier. The porous rubber top of the pacifier is likely to grow bacteria from the inside out.  Research conducted at the Tulsa Wellness Care Center found standard lab cultures produced strep bacteria, various strains of staph and the bacteria that cause pneumonia. The pacifier samples also produced the yeast that causes thrush. Thinking you can clean or disinfect the pacifier for continual use? Not necessarily. Even after washing and boiling a pacifier, these bacterias build a resistance under a complex structure called ‘biofilm’ and continue to harbor and grow. Surprisingly, the life expectancy of a pacifier, even after continual cleaning and “disinfecting”, is only two weeks.

So after this information, what should a parent Baby_Binkydo? Quit cold turkey? Cry it out? Here are a few helpful tips to ease the distress for both parent and baby:

  • Take it away early- newborns have a sucking reflex due to hunger, but by three months of age, it’s non-nutritive. Instead, try soothing your baby rocking or holding them.
  • Make it taste bad- Once they are older, they have developed their taste buds and are biased to certain tastes. Parents have tried vinegar or lemon to make it taste bad, but once it becomes unappealing, your child may be pacifier-free.
  • Take it away gradually- using it only for naps can be helpful and then gradually letting go the need for it.
  • Cut the tops off of the pacifier- an unconventional method, but possibly helpful. Place them strategically where he or she may find them and they will realize they are no longer able to use.

A healthy, happy baby will appreciate your caution in the long run.

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10 Tips for Dining Out With High Blood Pressure


Dining out is a treat we look forward to because we get to try new foods or indulge in our favorite cuisines. However, it is recommended that if you are diagnosed with high blood pressure to be mindful of the foods you pick from the menu.  It is suggested that you stick to a diet that is low in saturated fats, does not contain MSG and has very little sodium or no added salt.

Nutritionists also advise that practicing the following tips when dining out will help in controlling blood pressure levels.

  1. Choose appetizers with fruits or vegetables, instead of salty treats.
  2. Ask for your food to be prepared without added salt or MSG.
  3. Stay away from the saltshaker.
  4. Select foods that are prepared using healthy cooking techniques such as grilling or steaming.
  5. Avoid foods that are pickled, smoked or cured.
  6. Cut away excess and visible fat from meats.
  7. Avoid using butter or foods prepared with butter.
  8. Limit sodium intake from condiments by using them sparingly or by asking that they be served on the side.
  9. Steer clear of items that include cheese.
  10. Limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

If you have high blood pressure you can still enjoy restaurant meals and make healthy food choices by sticking to the preceding tips.  In addition to eating healthy it is also important to remember to incorporate exercise into your daily routine and take medications as prescribed to help control your blood pressure.

All content of this newsletter is intended for general information purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a medical professional before adopting any of the suggestions on this page. You must never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment based upon any content of this newsletter. PROMPTLY CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN OR CALL 911 IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY.

July 28 is World Hepatitis Day: Get Hep on Hepatitis B

Posted by Joann Ariola

Hepatitus 463335219Hepatitis B is a viral disease that has a distinct effect on the liver.  Each has different symptoms and treatments.   Some causes of Hepatitis B can be misuse of recreational drugs and prescription medications or by sexual transmission. The only way to determine if you have Hepatitis B is by submitting to a laboratory test.

Persons with Hepatitis B may not realize they have it at first.  Often times, the disease does not present with any symptoms or you might not get the right diagnosis since the disease shares some of the same signs as the flu, such as:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Mild fever
  • Muscle or joint aches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Stomach pain

People with hepatitis may notice darkness to their urine, light-colored stools, a yellowing of their skin (jaundice) or an itchy feeling all over your body.  In more advanced cases, there can be bleeding inside your body or the mental feeling of being in a daze or stupor.

It is always smart to check with your doctor if you have any signs or symptoms, or are in an at risk atmosphere.

Not seeking treatment for Hepatitis B can lead to cirrhosis, a serious scarring of your liver.

If you would like to make an appointment with the Flushing Hospital Medical Center’s Ambulatory Care Center, please call 718-670-5486.

All content of this newsletter is intended for general information purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a medical professional before adopting any of the suggestions on this page. You must never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment based upon any content of this newsletter. PROMPTLY CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN OR CALL 911 IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY.

Diabetes Friendly Dessert: Berry Pie With Creamy Filling


Take advantage of fresh summer berries and enjoy this healthy, delicious and, best of all, diabetes friendly, Berry Pie! Recipe courtesy of Diabetic Living.


    • 2 cups plain fat-free Greek yogurt
    • 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
    • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
    • Nonstick cooking spray
    • 1 1/3 cups finely crushed rusk (10 to 12 slices) or zwieback (about 17 slices)
    • 2 tablespoons packed brown sugar
    • 1 egg white, lightly beaten
    • 2 tablespoons butter, melted
    • 3/4 cup low-calorie cranberry-raspberry drink
    • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
    • 6 cups fresh raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and/or halved strawberries
    • Fresh mint sprigs and/or Lemon Cream** (optional)
** Lemon Cream:
  • 1 1/2 cups frozen light whipped dessert topping, thawed
  • 3/4 teaspoon finely shredded lemon peel
  1. For yogurt cheese: In a small bowl, combine yogurt powdered sugar, and vanilla. Cover and chill until ready to use.
  2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Coat a 9-inch pie plate with nonstick cooking spray. In a medium bowl, combine finely crushed rusk and brown sugar. Add egg white and melted butter; stir until well mixed. Press mixture evenly onto bottom and up side of prepared pie plate. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until edge is browned. Cool completely on a wire rack.
  3. Meanwhile, for glaze: In a small saucepan, stir together cranberry-raspberry drink and cornstarch. Cook and stir over medium heat until thickened and bubbly; cook and stir for 2 minutes more. Remove from heat. Transfer to a small bowl. Cover surface with plastic wrap; let stand at room temperature for 1 to 2 hours or until cooled.
  4. Spread yogurt mixture into crust-lined pie plate. In a large bowl, gently toss berries and cooled glaze. Spoon over yogurt mixture. Cover; chill for 3 to 6 hours before serving. If desired, garnish with fresh mint and/or serve with Lemon Cream. Makes 10 slices.
  5. **Lemon Cream: In a small bowl, combine whipped dessert topping and lemon peel.
Nutrition Facts Per Serving:
Servings Per Recipe: 10
PER SERVING: 153 cal., 3 g total fat (1 g sat. fat), 8 mg chol., 79 mg sodium, 25 g carb. (3 g fiber, 14 g sugars), 7 g pro.
Diabetic Exchanges: Lean Meat (d.e): 1; Starch (d.e): 0.5; Fruit (d.e): 0.5; Fat (d.e): 0.5; Mark as Free Exchange (d.e): 0; Other Carb (d.e): 0.5

All content of this newsletter is intended for general information purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a medical professional before adopting any of the suggestions on this page. You must never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment based upon any content of this newsletter. PROMPTLY CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN OR CALL 911 IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY.