Q: What documents/information are necessary for me to bring to Flushing Hospital when registering as a patient?
A- When preparing for a scheduled visit to the hospital, it is important to pack certain items including:
- Photo identification (such as a driver’s license)
- Health insurance documentation
- Comfortable, loose fitting clothes to return home in
- A list of all medications that you currently take, including dosage
- A list of personal contacts
- Personal items such as eye glasses, hearing aids, or dentures
Personal toiletries as well as non-skid slippers are provided by the hospital but you may bring your own if you prefer.
Free telephone and television service is provided by the hospital, but you may bring your own telephone, tablet, or book if you prefer.
Do not bring large amounts of cash or jewelry as the hospital is not responsible for any lost personal items.
Q: What happens if I am in need of health care but don’t have health insurance?
A: Patients currently without medical insurance may still be eligible to qualify for assistance. Flushing Hospital’s Financial Assistance Office can help you. You can contact the Financial Assistance Office (718-670-5588) here or visit the Billing Center section of the Flushing Hospital website to learn more.
Q: How do I get my health records at Flushing Hospital?
A: Obtaining your health records from us is easy. Simply download the Authorization for Release of Health Information form and then complete it. Then, you can mail it to us or bring it to us at the following address:
Flushing Hospital Medical Center
Medical Records Department
4500 Parsons Boulevard
Flushing, NY 11355
You can visit the medical records department between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Note that you must pay a fee for any copy of a medical record not going to a doctor directly. For additional information, please call 718-670-5425 or 5424.
Q: Where do I go for my baby’s birth certificate?
A: To access your child’s birth certificate, you must contact the New York City Bureau of Vital Records here. You can easily order a certificate online at this website ($15 per certificate). Alternatively, you can visit 125 Worth Street, Lower Manhattan, to order a certificate in person.
Q: Where can I get help with locating a doctor?
A: To find a doctor near you, visit our “Find a Doctor” page. Here, you can look for a doctor by specialty, proximity to home, gender, language proficiency, and even accepted medical insurance plan.
Q: How can I get help with an issue I’m having when dealing with the hospital?
A: At Flushing Hospital, we are dedicated to offering our patients superior care. However, sometimes our patients or their loved ones have questions or concerns about the care or treatment they’re being offered. That’s where our patient advocate comes in.
Our patient advocate will work to resolve any patient-related issues you may be having. The advocate will also document your grievances and then forward these to our executive office, where they will be properly reviewed. To get in touch with our patient advocate, please call 718-670-5386.
Q: What are the visiting hours?
A: Visitors over the age of 12 are welcome between 9:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. on all general medical / surgical floors f. Dads can visit on the mother / baby any time. Parents can visit the Pediatric Unit any time. There is limited visitation for patients on Psychiatry, Chemical Dependence, and Intensive Care Units. For a detailed list of visitation hours, please go to the visiting hours page of our website.