Hepatitis Awareness Month

Hepatitis Awareness Month logo.Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the liver. Many cases of hepatitis are caused by viral or bacterial infections, but it can also be caused by excessive alcohol consumption, exposure to certain toxins, and drug use. Many people may not be aware that they have hepatitis, as symptoms may not appear for weeks or months after developing this disease. Each year, approximately 15,000 people in the United States die from either liver cancer or chronic liver disease caused by hepatitis.

There are five types of hepatitis; each of them may occur in different ways and present a variety of symptoms. These types include:

Hepatitis A, which is typically transmitted through exposure to food, water, or other substances that have been contaminated by the feces of a person who carries the disease. It does not cause chronic liver disease, but does cause acute, debilitating symptoms that, in rare cases, can be fatal.

Hepatitis B, which is spread through contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person; it is also often transmitted from mother to child during birth. Hepatitis B puts infected people at a high risk of death from liver cirrhosis or cancer.

Hepatitis C, a viral infection that can cause both acute and long-term liver problems, such as those that occur in people with hepatitis A and B. It is mainly transmitted through contact with an infected person’s blood. Unlike hepatitis A and B, there is no vaccine to prevent hepatitis C, but it can be treated through antiviral medication.

Hepatitis D, which only occurs in people who already have hepatitis B. It is considered the most severe form of viral hepatitis, putting infected people at the highest risk of experiencing fatal complications, such as liver cirrhosis and cancer.

Hepatitis E, which causes similar symptoms to those of hepatitis A and is transmitted in similar ways, but is caused by a different virus.

The best way to prevent hepatitis is to get vaccinated. If you would like to schedule an appointment with a physician at Flushing Hospital Medical Center to schedule an appointment or learn more, please call (718) 670-5486.

All content of this newsletter is intended for general information purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a medical professional before adopting any of the suggestions on this page. You must never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment based upon any content of this newsletter. PROMPTLY CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN OR CALL 911 IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY.

Viral Hepatitis “The Silent Epidemic”- How Dangerous is This Disease?

Test tube with blood for Hepatitis test

The medical community has labeled viral hepatitis, “The Silent Epidemic,” because there are millions of people living in the United States with some form of the disease. What is most alarming is 65% of these people are unaware that they are infected and are unknowingly contributing to the rapid spread of the virus.

Viral hepatitis is characterized by the inflammation of the liver and is most commonly caused by the hepatitis A, B or C virus.  Each type of hepatitis has its severities and can develop into chronic or life-threatening conditions, such as liver cancer, liver failure or cirrhosis (scarring and dysfunction of the liver).  While the degree of severity may differ with each strain, the advanced symptoms that present themselves are similar.

Symptoms may include:

  • Dark urine
  • Diarrhea
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin, eyes and tongue)
  • Weight loss
  • Itchy skin
  • Light colored feces
  • Muscle or joint pain

Transmission of viral hepatitis differs with each form of the virus.

Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) – Is caused by consuming infected food and water or anal to oral contact during sex. Prevention includes washing your hands with soap and water after using the toilet, drinking bottled or treated water and eating food that has been thoroughly cleaned.

Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) – Is a sexually transmitted disease.  HBV is 50-100 times more infectious than HIV. It is spread by contact with bodily fluids such as blood or semen.  Prevention includes practicing safe sex, using clean syringes, tattoo or acupuncture needles and not sharing personal items such as razor or toothbrushes.

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) –   Is transmitted by direct contact with the blood of a person who has the disease.  Prevention includes covering wounds, not sharing personal effects such as razors, manicure equipment or toothbrushes and using sterilized needles.

It is important for people to know their status and help combat the rapid acceleration of viral hepatitis.  Public health organizations such as the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) encourage people to get screened for the disease whether or not they are displaying symptoms. Individuals who are infected should seek treatment and exercise methods to prevent transmission.Health organizations are also increasing their efforts in educating the public about Hepatitis by promoting campaigns during Hepatitis  Awareness Month, which is designated as May in the United States.

All content of this newsletter is intended for general information purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a medical professional before adopting any of the suggestions on this page. You must never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment based upon any content of this newsletter. PROMPTLY CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN OR CALL 911 IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY.