Lung Cancer and Robotic Surgical Intervention

The American Cancer Society estimates that over 224,000 new cases of lung cancer will be diagnosed in 2016 and that more than 150,000 will die from the disease this year. Lung cancer is the second most common type of cancer identified in both men and women.  A history of smoking definitely contributes to a higher risk of being diagnosed with the disease, though non-smokers also can develop lung cancer.
Signs and Symptoms of Lung Cancer include:
• A cough that doesn’t get better
• Coughing up blood
• Shortness of breath
• Chest pain
• Wheezing
• Hoarseness
• Headache
• Weight loss that isn’t intentional
If lung cancer is suspected, a physician will usually order a few tests to make the diagnosis definitive. A chest x-ray will be performed and if there are any lesions found on the lung a  CT scan will to get a better view of the lungs. An exam of the sputum can sometimes reveal lung cancer cells and to complete the diagnosis a lung biopsy will be done to examine the cells to see if they are cancerous.
Depending on the stage of the cancer, treatment options vary and can include chemotherapy, radiation and / or surgery.  A common surgical option is called a lobectomy, removal one of the lobes of the lung. Flushing Hospital’s expert  team of surgeons now perform this procedure robotically, with the assistance of the latest da Vinci robotic surgery system. This highly advanced, minimally invasive technology offers patients at Flushing Hospital a high success rate and a quicker recovery time.
To schedule an appointment with a surgeon at Flushing Hospital who specializes in minimally invasive robotic surgery, please call 718-670 – 3135.

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